Do you know what you believe? Do you know why you believe what you believe? Most people are content to have a set of beliefs about God that has never been put to the test. They simply believe something because everyone else does.
Do not be afraid to learn something about God that you never knew. All you have to lose is your ignorance. Do not be afraid to find out that something you have been taught about God is wrong. All you have to lose is your pride. Let the Lord God Almighty show you the difference between the traditions and doctrines of men and TRUTH. You shall know the truth, and THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE! Enjoy Your Search! This devotional is $19.95 with FREE shipping!

Watch this powerful video!
The Noble Berean Series
Thomas Kissinger, author of “The Glory Of God And The Honor Of Kings”, presents the Noble Berean Series in which he challenges the reader to search the Scriptures daily in order to discover their true meaning and intent. Within these books are many topics of a Biblical nature that cause the reader to see that the God of the Bible has been misunderstood and misrepresented by modern day Christianity. The overall theme of the Noble Berean Series is that God, Who is love, shall ultimately draw all men unto Himself. Noble Berean Books are $12.95 with FREE shipping!
When I set out to work on this recording project, I had no idea just how hard it would be. And since I am a perfectionist, it did not make things any easier. I was looking for a certain sound to penetrate the heart of the listener. I refer to it as the sound of inspiration. Some even call it “the anointing!” It is that sound that leaves the listener in a better condition than before their ears were exposed to such music. It causes a person to cry, laugh, and even to go into deep thought, bringing them to the place where they will examine themselves and the meaning of this life. It is like a cold glass of water in the desert, and rain that comes in the time of drought to give much needed saturation. This sound brings the soul of man to heights and depths that could not be reached otherwise. The sound I am alluding to is…THE SOUND OF THE VERY PRESENCE OF GOD! May this music that you will partake of be the very inspiration, anointing, and presence of God to your soul!
For heights and depths no words can reach
Music is the soul’s own speech!
Experience the music of Thomas Kissinger
Thomas Kissinger came to Christ at age 20 on the night of May 7th, 1994. His conversion took place on the campus of Louisiana State University. It was on the corner of Chimes Street that he was approached by two men who handed him a piece of literature about God’s love. Having already been drawn by the Lord a few days earlier to surrender his life, he sensed that this was no accident but a divine appointment to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The next day he went to Family Worship Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There he experienced for the first time in his life a delivering presence of God.
Two weeks later he was baptized with the Holy Spirit and launched into a journey of seeking the One Who had sought and found him. He was ordained to the ministry on the 2nd day of July, 1997 and began the work of the ministry in the local prisons. In 2001 he had a dramatic revelation from the Lord concerning the reconciliation of all things. This glorious revelation did drastically change his life and ministry from that moment on.
He spent his childhood in Virginia before coming to Louisiana to attend L.S.U. in 1991. In 1994 he left L.S.U. to pursue the call of God on his life. He is currently married and has three children. Thomas currently lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he devotes his time to his family, the ministry, and his job. (Thomas and Sarah pictured above, Moriah, Makayla and Micah pictured at right)
Here’s a list of some of my favorite writers: Bill Britton, J.Preston Eby, Dr. Stephen Jones, Ray Prinzing, John Gavazzoni, Dr. Harold Lovelace, A.P. Adams, George Hawtin, Ray Knight, Carlton Pearson, L. Ray Smith, Dr. E. W. Bullinger, Gary Amirault, Origen, Louis Abbott, Thomas Allin, and Charles Pridgeon.
Here’s a list of some of my favorite writings: The Bible ( God ), Read And Search God’s Plan ( Dr. Harold Lovelace ), The Savior Of The World Series ( J. Preston Eby ), Christ Triumphant ( Thomas Allin ), and An Analytical Study Of Words ( Louis Abbott ).